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"The most important invention FOR History"


Perhaps it is too much to say that the printing press is the most important invention in History, but it is not unreasonable to affirm that it is the most important invention FOR History, since this is the written record of what has happened, and History would not be that we know if it were not for the printing press.

In this great work, the history of printing, of the arts and crafts that accompany it, from the beginnings of culture to the digital age, is made. A widely documented and profusely illustrated work with more than 2,000 illustrations and vignettes in color and black, placed next to the reference text.


Volume I: From stone to continuous paper. Pictography, the first form of writing.
Calligraphy and initials. From mobile type to phototypesetting. From xylography to photomechanics.


Volume II: From typography to offset. Manual binding. Bibliography.


Some comments about this book:


"I have no doubt that this work will become, over time, the Augusto Jurado, which is the best sign of identity to prove that it is different from its peers. Of great interest to bibliophiles, it is no less for
who have to prepare classes and opposition topics "


Francis Pons



« …your magisterial Histoire de l'Imprimerie. Quelle qualité de mise en page! Et quelle qualité dímpression ! L'Espagne n'a plus rien a envier â la Suisse dans ce domaine ! »


Georges Mathieu

Painter and essayist


«...I want to highlight the exceptional quality of its printing, of a fidelity as extraordinary as it is unusual today » Victoria Rabal i Merola Director of the Museu Molí Paperer de Capellades

«...magnificent publication in terms of Design, Good Taste and Quality »


Francisco Perez Gonzalez

Vice President of the Santillana Foundation


...I only find one word to describe the good job of information, documentation and dissemination that you do “terrific! My technical file of this work of yours would correspond to the following profile: Text: agile and well documented Illustrations: opportune and unbeatable Papers: well chosen, of quality, without ostentation, excellent. Characters: Garamond (unsurpassed) Printing: neat Logo: Outstanding Set: good page architecture, attention to detail and clear general ideas.» ….so much first-hand research to get the many exceptional documents that appear, surely it must cost an enormous effort….


Ricard Giralt Miracle

Graphic Designer and Printer National Design Award, 1990


«…the design of the book, the choice of fonts, frames, vignettes and all kinds of illustrations and materials, are a display where technique and creativity are mixed with good taste and “know-how. » «…every time I find myself more surprised by the magnificent work you are doing, both in the layout and in the meticulous reproduction of the photographs that in these latest engravings reach masterful levels. »


Ricardo J. Vincent


Gutenberg Prize, 1992.


“…a gift for the senses of those of us who love reading and the graphic arts that work for it”


Adrian Piera

President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Madrid

The print: origin and evolution (2 volumes)

SKU: isbn:9788460962731
    • English Edition
    • 2 volumes.
    • Size: 24 x 30 cm.
    • Printing in 6 colors (with some sheets up to 11 colors and varnish) on Tintoretto paper of 140 grs.
    • Bound in chrome cardboard with water-based paper created expressly for this work by José Galván; round spine with printing on tejuelo and bridle, in slipcase.
    • Volume I: 312 pages.
    • Volume II: 352 pages, plus inserts and fold-outs in both.
    • Available in branch. Check conditions.
    • RRP: €150. (2vols)
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